About Us
Imajen was founded in the summer of 2000, with a clear goal in mind: Create unique and original stories and intellectual properties featuring people of color, and Black people in particular, in effort to provide cultural perspective and counterpoint to the never-ending assault of negative messages and stereotypical imagery related to people of color, and Black people in particular...
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As part of our new format, which actually marks the return to a feature present on the very first Imajen website, you can find information for upcoming events, products, film and video productions, and promotions posted below. Listed items are for/from Imajen and our partners, as well as other businesses and organizations on our radar that are progressive, positive, and...
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We are honored and inspired by the steady rise in website traffic over the course of the past year. We appreciate your visits. Our intention is to continually look to improve and progress, which in Imajen-ese translates to an updated site, upgraded features, and more content uploads with more frequent refreshes...
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